Examples of right to be forgotten cases

Examples of right to be forgotten cases
If you want to know whether your right to be forgotten case is likely to succeed, you will feel more assured by reading through previous cases. We have been removing webpages and posts from the internet for over 20 years, and in recent years, under the more formal method of the right to be forgotten.
Now, under the right to be forgotten, things have improved tenfold, which is fantastic news for individuals from all walks of life, wanting information about themselves removed from the internet, information which is often detrimental to them living a complete life and without stigma and prejudice.
Google and the right to be forgotten case study
Typical case of right to be forgotten
Difficult right to be forgotten cases
Google and the right to be forgotten case study
If you are looking for a right to be forgotten case study in relation to Google removal, please read on. We are publishing right to be forgotten case studies regularly (always without names or any other identifying information) which relate to all sorts of people that wanted old, outdated and not currently relevant information about themselves removed from the internet, or at least, from Google search results.
Each successful right to be forgotten case study represents a new lease of life for an individual who is now able to carry on with his and her life, career and aspirations. People who have painful, embarrassing, life-affecting old disciplinary reports, news articles, criminal convictions, images, videos, religious beliefs, negative posts on social media, divorces and general information about them that they will never forget but which they wanted to not be reminded of by other people.
Typical case of right to be forgotten
Every right to be forgotten case is different. We have helped hundreds of individuals to exercise their right to be forgotten and each individual had a story to tell which is only unique to him or her. A typical right to be forgotten case will involve a sense of injustice, unfairness and a desire to break away from one's past mistakes.
Most of the right to be forgotten cases are challenging but our experience tells us now that the key to success, provided you have a reasonably good right to be forgotten case, is persistence and the self belief that one shall never give up hope. We always try to handle right to be forgotten cases quickly, since Google could be highly inconsistent with its approach towards the requests. The sooner you start the process, the quicker you will have posts removed from Google, even if the initial request is rejected. To enhance the speed of success of your right to be forgotten, we always prepare a comprehensive submission which cover the important facts and which cites any applicable law.
Difficult right to be forgotten cases
Even if you feel that you have a difficult right to be forgotten case, you should at least seek legal advice as to the likelihood of success. There are often right to be forgotten cases which are more complex and which involve wrongdoings or concerns about professional people in the medical, finance, legal and sport professions. Many cases of individuals who are already in the public eye, like celebrities, tend to be more difficult to get through the Google barriers. Google treats people that are professional or in the public eye rather harshly and more so than others when it comes to right to be forgotten requests. Google will often state that it is in public interest to keep the information on the search engine, when it rejects the request for data deletion.
If you are a professional or in the public eye, Google immediately make a bulk decision and presume that any information related to you is 'currently relevant' for public interest and thus, should not be removed. With these cases, we have to show the exceptional circumstances that place it outside the general rule. However challenging or complex, with diligence, expertise and a true passion for exorcising the rights for our clients for a right to be forgotten, we succeed.
It is of paramount importance for us to keep our clients' information confidential, so the majority of cases we do not write about in order to completely protect our clients' identity. Occasionally, we do report case studies where identity could not be detected, which you can read about on this website.
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