Removing autocomplete
Removing autocomplete

Removing autocomplete from search engines
When you have been successful with a right to be forgotten and your name is still associated with what you have had removed, on a search engine bar autocomplete, you may wonder why it is still there and you may wonder what else you can do.
What is search engine autocomplete
Why removing autocomplete is important
Why don't search engines automatically remove autocomplete
How to remove autocomplete with a right to be forgotten request
What is search engine autocomplete
Search engine autocomplete is when you start typing in the search bar and suggestions come up, when you enter a particular phrase. It is different than autosuggestion (which are suggestions based on what you have searched for previously only). Autocomplete is based on the results of the search engine, having scanned the world of online content (using algorithms) and its assessment of what people want to know when they have accessed that content, i.e. What did they tap into the search engine in order to get to there? The search engine compiles what is mostly tapped into their search bar and this forms autocomplete.
Why removing autocomplete is important
Removing autocomplete is important because despite being successful with a right to be forgotten application for say, a criminal conviction that is connected with their name, the criminal conviction could still be on the autocomplete search. A right to be forgotten application may have removed the incriminating article but based on the search engine's assessment of what people have wanted to know based on that person, autocomplete lists the popular search items associated. There are usually 4-6 autocomplete suggestions generally associated with names, unless you are in the public eye. Some of the suggestions may be what you have searched for previously, too.
So, say that Jane Anjill was connected with a news story and people have been wanting to know more about the story, they have tapped in 'Jane Anjill robbery' or 'Jane Anjill crime scene'. This is what a search engine will pick up, associated with Jane Anjill and it will be stored in autocomplete. So, if the article is removed using right to be forgotten, the search engine's autocomplete will still suggest 'Jane Anjill robbery' and so on. Which ultimately, makes the right to be forgotten request nulled and ineffective.
Why don't search engines automatically remove autocomplete
Search engine moderators do not automatically remove autocomplete suggestions with a right to be forgotten article request, because you have to state clearly what you want removed in your application. Bear in mind that the search engine moderators are generally only trained in removing content and are not technically trained, which is what autocomplete removal requires. The search engine moderators will only do what is on the application involving content removal.
They will not do a clean up, say, of your name entirely. So, on the success of your right to be forgotten article removal request, you still find that your name still allows people to find, using autocomplete, what you had wanted to be removed which was attached to your name, you will need to go back to the search engine and request that they refer it to the technical department to take manual action to do so.
How to remove autocomplete with a right to be forgotten request
You can remove autocomplete with a right to be forgotten request but unfortunately, Google will not automatically do this for you. Often, clients need to submit a separate right to be forgotten request to address the issue of the autocomplete.
Enlisting the help of experienced right to be forgotten lawyers will ensure that your right to be forgotten is done thoroughly, with all links and associations in search engine autocomplete results removed. An experienced solicitor will investigate, using her technical expertise, since expert right to be forgotten lawyers will be internet savvy. Your lawyer will then immediately request the autocomplete removal of whatever is online regarding the case that you do not want to be found and on autocomplete and will pursue the case until the search engine has complied completely with your request and issue them with court proceedings, if necessary. You can read about how we persist until we get success for our clients in case studies and we hope that you find all the articles useful.
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